On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 at 10:51pm, Tony van der Hoff wrote

> Thanks, Joshua, for both your messages. There is really no need to respond
> to both the list and directly. As I said, I've had Amanda working fine under

SOP.  How do I know you're subscribed to the list?

> Indeed I have that entry (and one for root, to allow amrecover) in
> .amandahosts. However, you did give me cause to ensure that it was there :-)

And does the location of the properly filled in .amandahosts match $HOME 
for the amanda user specified in /etc/passwd?  Are the permissions right 
(can the amanda user read it)?  If all that checks out, look in 
/tmp/amanda/amandad*debug for more detail on the exact error (and post the 
contents here).

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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