On Friday 02 July 2004 03:56, Gavin Henry wrote:
>Dear all,
>Disaster strikes!!!
>My Red Hat 8.0 backup server hard drive has died, and I need some
> advice in rebuilding it.
>I have all the backups tapes and I have backup up /etc /home /var
> and a few other things.
>My question is, "How do I get all the configuration files back from
> the tapes without having Amanda installed?
>Any tips would be great!!!
In a pinch (ouch) all you really need are mt, dd, gunzip (gzip -d) and 
tar.  The basic procedure goes something like this:

1. cd to someplace with lots of scratch room for the untared files.

2. Rewind the tape with mt.

3. read the tape label with dd using count=1 and no output spec, it 
should come out on the screen of your shell, identifying the tape and 
the date it was made.

4. do this again to get the files header, so you can see if you need 
to pipe dd's output file thru gzip before handing it to tar.

5. dd again, this time useing a very large count, and feed that to 
gzip if needed, otherwise straight to tar.  It will stop regardless 
of the actual count at the end of that tape file.

6. handle what you've got unpacked, putting it where it belongs.

7. goto 4, until eod of the tape, then start on the next tape at 2, 
doing this in the same sequence the tapes were made so that any 
overwrites you do as you put stuff back will always be with a newer 

Fairly simple, but time consuming I'm afraid.

Cheers, Gene
There are 4 boxes to be used in defense of liberty. 
Soap, ballot, jury, and ammo.
Please use in that order, starting now.  -Ed Howdershelt, Author
Additions to this message made by Gene Heskett are Copyright 2004, 
Maurice E. Heskett, all rights reserved.

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