On Saturday 10 July 2004 18:12, Michael D Schleif wrote:
>* Gene Heskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004:07:10:17:45:42-0400] 
>> On Saturday 10 July 2004 11:46, Michael D Schleif wrote:
><snip />
>> >With this current setup, nine (9) usable tapes, I wonder how best
>> > to configure Amanda?  Yes, we can manually swap out magazines as
>> > necessary; but, we prefer that this site run as automagically as
>> > possible.  To wit, one magazine and nine tapes -- period.
>> >
>> >How do you setup similar environments?  What happens if a tape
>> > is, of a sudden, bad when you need to restore?
>> >
>> >What do you think?
>> If it was me, I'd probably get another magazine, put 7 tapes and a
>> cleaner in each, and have cron send you a reminder email to change
>> the magazine before you do anything else monday mornings.  That
>> would take a dumpcycle=7, runspercycle=7, tapecycle=14.

I'd goto this 2nd example in that case.  Nother dumb Q:  Does this 
office have sufficient backup power to hold things long enough to at 
least get there and do a gracefull shutdown?  I do unless I'm gone to 
town or some such.
>> Or goto dumpcycle=4,runspercycle=4,and tapecycle=9 and run it
>> every night and wear those tapes out in a hurry.  But I'm not you,
>> and atm don't even have amanda running, I've gotta see if I can
>> make it use dvd-+-rw's one of these days.  My last DDS2 changer's
>> head died a week or so back.
>Yes, I know that this is the ideal solution.
>However, this is an office with naive computer users, and a bunch of
>servers.  Experience has taught me not to rely too heavily on
>non-technical people to change tapes ;>  It is more important that
> we get a good backup _every_ night, than to have somebody forget to
> change the magazine, and go without backups for several days ;<
>Somebody must have already dealt with this scenario, and have a time
>worn solution.
>What do you think?

Thats my $0.02 :-)

Cheers, Gene
There are 4 boxes to be used in defense of liberty. 
Soap, ballot, jury, and ammo.
Please use in that order, starting now.  -Ed Howdershelt, Author
Additions to this message made by Gene Heskett are Copyright 2004, 
Maurice E. Heskett, all rights reserved.

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