This one time, at band camp, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
>So I'm wondering if there's a amadmin command or somesuch that we can use
>that'll tell us which tapes are in the set of tapes required to do a full
>restore from, i.e. for all DLEs (I think that's the correct term) the tapes
>that hold that image back to the most recent level 0, inclusive.

Thanks to those people who replied privately.

I was about to write a tool to do this and I found that amadmin export's
stats field lists only those tapes that have not yet been superceded, i.e.
the latest level 0, any level 1s after that, etc, which is exactly what I

/usr/sbin/amadmin foo export | grep stats | cut -f8 -d' ' | sort | uniq

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