On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 04:24, Joshua Baker-LePain wrote:
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 at 5:19pm, Kris Vassallo wrote

> 420GB is not the total amount per night. Something is bogging this down
> though and I don't know what. I am not using holding disks because the
> majority of data is being backed up from one set of disks to another on
> the same machine. This one machine has a set of RAID 10 disks. These
> disks are backed up by amanda and put onto a set of RAID 5 disks. As far

Just as an aside, having your backup disks on the same controller as your 
real data seems a bit risky to me -- what if the controller goes?  What if 
it takes multiple disks with it?
The whole thing of having the backup host being the same machine as the file server no longer looks like a good idea. However, I am in it too deep to jump out now. I suppose that I could get a second controller in the box, but to me it seems as if that would only create another bottleneck, the pci bus.

> as assigning spindle #s goes I don't quite understand why I would set
> that. I have inparallel set to 4  and then didn't define maxdumps, so I
> would assume that not more than 1 dumper would get started on a machine
> at once. Am I getting this right?  Here is my email log from the backup

That's correct.  maxdumps (dumps per host at a time) defaults to 1.  
inparallel controls total number of backups at once.

>                           Total       Full      Daily
>                         --------   --------   --------
> Estimate Time (hrs:min)    7:30

As Frank pointed out, this is a big part of your problem.  What OS and FS 
are we talking here, and what backup program?  And, again, sendsize*debug 
will tell you which DLEs are taking so long to estimate.
The box is running redhat 9 with 2.4.20 kernel and ext3 filesystem.
Below is the most recent sendsize.debug
sendsize: debug 1 pid 27717 ruid 33 euid 33: start at Tue Jul 20 01:00:00 2004
sendsize: version 2.4.3
sendsize[27747]: time 0.119: calculating for amname '/home', dirname '/home', spindle -1
sendsize[27747]: time 0.119: getting size via gnutar for /home level 0
sendsize[27717]: time 0.119: waiting for any estimate child
sendsize[27747]: time 0.156: spawning /usr/lib/amanda/runtar in pipeline
sendsize[27747]: argument list: /bin/tar --create --file /dev/null --directory /home --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/venus.berkeley-da.com_home_0.new --sparse --ignore-failed-read --totals .
sendsize[27747]: time 9720.909: /bin/tar: ./qa/build-main-branch-rfexamples/rfexamples-20040719/customer_test/Nestoras4/Freq
Domain/.nfs0447c12d00037cfc: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
sendsize[27747]: time 9720.949: /bin/tar: ./qa/build-main-branch-rfexamples/rfexamples-20040719/customer_test/Nestoras4/Freq
Domain/Linux_temp-g/cpsys_hb.log: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
sendsize[27747]: time 9720.949: /bin/tar: ./qa/build-main-branch-rfexamples/rfexamples-20040719/customer_test/Nestoras4/Freq
Domain/Linux_temp-g/cpsys_hb.out: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
sendsize[27747]: time 11114.784: Total bytes written: 429923983360 (400GB, 37MB/s)
sendsize[27747]: time 11114.835: .....
sendsize[27747]: estimate time for /home level 0: 11114.679
sendsize[27747]: estimate size for /home level 0: 419847640 KB
sendsize[27747]: time 11114.835: waiting for /bin/tar "/home" child
sendsize[27747]: time 11114.835: after /bin/tar "/home" wait
sendsize[27747]: time 11114.882: getting size via gnutar for /home level 6
sendsize[27747]: time 11115.510: spawning /usr/lib/amanda/runtar in pipeline
sendsize[27747]: argument list: /bin/tar --create --file /dev/null --directory /home --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/venus.berkeley-da.com_home_6.new --sparse --ignore-failed-read --totals .
sendsize[27747]: time 18793.272: /bin/tar: ./qa/build-main-branch-rfexamples/rfexamples-20040719/customer_test/makram_thesis
_oscillators/postlayout2/.nfs01c6011d00037d30: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
sendsize[27747]: time 18793.333: /bin/tar: ./qa/build-main-branch-rfexamples/rfexamples-20040719/customer_test/makram_thesis
_oscillators/postlayout2/Linux_temp-g/ui_quadc.log: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
sendsize[27747]: time 18793.334: /bin/tar: ./qa/build-main-branch-rfexamples/rfexamples-20040719/customer_test/makram_thesis
_oscillators/postlayout2/Linux_temp-g/ui_quadc.out: Warning: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
sendsize[27747]: time 18815.342: Total bytes written: 69237104640 (64GB, 8.6MB/s)
sendsize[27747]: time 18815.372: .....
sendsize[27747]: estimate time for /home level 6: 7699.861
sendsize[27747]: estimate size for /home level 6: 67614360 KB
sendsize[27747]: time 18815.372: waiting for /bin/tar "/home" child
sendsize[27747]: time 18815.372: after /bin/tar "/home" wait
sendsize[27747]: time 18815.409: done with amname '/home', dirname '/home', spindle -1
sendsize[27717]: time 18815.493: child 27747 terminated normally
sendsize: time 18815.503: pid 27717 finish time Tue Jul 20 06:13:36 2004

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