On Friday 23 July 2004 13:19, Kevin D. Alford wrote:
>I am looking for the procedures required to upgrade from 2.4.2p2 to
>Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.
>Kevin D. Alford
>Sr. Systems Engineer
>TMC Technologies, Inc.
>(304)368-1862 Ext. 53

Kevin, can I asume you are running the rpms now?  And that you have 
the -devel tools like gcc onboard?  If so, rip them out with an rpm 
-e amanda*, and build it from scratch, unpacking the tarball as root, 
and then doing a "chown -R amanda:disk amanda-version-number", then 
copying this script into that diirectory, setting its perms and 
ownership as above, then using this script (with suitable mods of 
course) invoked as ./gh.cf.  Or you could call a shell to run it 
# since I'm always forgetting to su amanda...
if [ `whoami` != 'amanda' ]; then
        echo "!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!"
        echo "Amanda needs to be configured and built by the user amanda,"
        echo "but must be installed by user root."
        exit 1
make clean
rm -f config.status config.cache
./configure --with-user=amanda \
        --with-group=disk \
        --with-owner=amanda \
        --with-tape-device=/dev/nst0 \
        --with-changer-device=/dev/sg1 \
        --with-gnu-ld --prefix=/usr/local \
        --with-debugging=/tmp/amanda-dbg/ \
        --with-tape-server=coyote.coyote.den \
        --with-amandahosts \

You will need a user named 'amanda' who is a member of group 'disk', 
or to modify those statements above to fit your situation.  If you 
don't use a tape changer, remove that line, and of course fix the 
--with-tape-server= line to reflect the FQDN of the machine that 
houses the drive.  If your current config dir isn't there, make that 
line match your environment.

Once this script has run and made amanda, then become root, enter the 
dir again, and do a make install.  (or one could install it with 
checkinstall, which makes an rpm out of it, and then installs the 
rpm) Your current crontab entries and such should remain functional, 
but you may want to look at the sample amanda.conf in the src tree 
for new features you may want to use.

I hope this helps.

Cheers, Gene
There are 4 boxes to be used in defense of liberty. 
Soap, ballot, jury, and ammo.
Please use in that order, starting now.  -Ed Howdershelt, Author
Additions to this message made by Gene Heskett are Copyright 2004, 
Maurice E. Heskett, all rights reserved.

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