I have used tar to do my backups, FYI. The issue that I am encountering is that when I try to recover files I get the following response
amrecover> list
TAPE DailySet106 LEVEL 3 DATE 2004-08-02
amrecover> settape localhost:file:/backup/amandadumps/tape06
Using tape "file:/backup/amandadumps/tape06" from server localhost.
amrecover> extract

Extracting files using tape drive file:/backup/amandadumps/tape06 on host localhost.
The following tapes are needed: DailySet106

Restoring files into directory /home
Continue [?/Y/n]? y

Extracting files using tape drive file:/backup/amandadumps/tape06 on host localhost.
Load tape DailySet106 now
Continue [?/Y/n/t]? y

My questions are 1. Where the heck did the files go?! They aren't inside of /home like is says they will be above ^.  and 2. Am I setting the tape device correctly? I am backing up to disks and the location of the actual "tape" is in /backup/amandadumps/tape06 which according to amanda is DailySet106. If I don't specify the tape device manually then it complains a whole bunch about not being able to use /dev/null.

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