
I myself have been working to this end off & on for a while now. It just
so happens that this week, I am attempting to finalize my backups to

I suppose you could do the holding-disk trick the other guy mentioned.
But if you want to use a large disk to mimic several tapes, thus
allowing you to do the amrestore thingy from the clients, some other
people have created some tutorials/examples of how they've done it. I
recommend looking all these over.

First do a search for a message from a guy "Clinton Hogge" in the
amanda-users archive. He has a good e-mail RE this.
Second, a guy "Alex Muc" also wrote a tutorial, do a search in the
amanda-users archive in Yahoo for that one too.

I tried finding these files myself in my archives, but all I can locate
is the printed version. If I come across them again later, I'll e-mail
them to you. Hopefully the authors wouldn't care.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andreas Moser
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2004 12:53 PM
Subject: The use of Amanda without tapes ?

Hello everyone,

I've got one Question. Is it possible to use amanda without tapes? I
don't use a tape for Backup! I've got only one big Harddrive, where i
could store the huge backup files.  How can I configure amanda without
the use of tapes, so that I could backup my files on a harddrive. Amanda
shall backup all my files in one directory.

thx for your response


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