
I have recently switched to Amanda for making my backups (yes, that
means I'm new to Amanda).  I have several small (/etc, /var/lib/rpm,
/var/spool/mail) directories to backup and one large directory (/home). 
I would like to back these up to disk.  I have followed the HOWTO and
all is working fine.

But... how do I setup my tapes?  If I create 16 5GB tapes with a
dumpcycle of 7 days, I cannot store /home on them (not enough space). 
But if I create 8 10GB tapes, I will only have one full backup per
dumpcycle, where I would prefer two. And, my tapes would be mostly empty
(only a full backup requires 10GB).  

What is a wise strategy?  Can I use two tapes in parallel in a disk
backup?  How?  I am using chg-disk as my tpchanger.  Are there better

Kind regards,

Mark Wormgoor
* |\    /|      |  /|  /       Mark Wormgoor                  *
* | \  / |      | / | /        mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       *
* |  \/  |ark   |/  |/ormgoor  http://www.wormgoor.com/mark/  *

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