Two years ago, I wrote here about problems getting Amanda to work through a firewall 
using NAT which couldn't be turned-off. I finally gave up in frustration, despite the 
helpful advice of the folks here, and set up two separate backup systems, one inside 
and outside the firewall. Adding to my frustration is the fact that I don't administer 
the firewall, and can't verify directly that what I requested was implemented. Now, 
I'm trying again to back up all my host with just one Amanda system.

My tapehost 'centernet' is trying to back up hosts 'admin' and 'mailinglists' in 
addition to itself, inside the firewall, and hosts 'www' and 'real' outside the 

I've read and tried to follow the advice given to others in this situation. I changed 
the file common-src/security.c to comment out the section where the port number is 
checked. I also used the script, first given here, pasted in at the end of this note, 
to configure Amanda on both the server and the clients. I have the new Amanda system 
(tapehost inside the firewall) working on all the other hosts inside the firewall, but 
it times out with the hosts outside the firewall.

When I amcheck it, I don't get anything written in either the working or non-working 
clients, in either /tmp/Amanda or /tmp/Amanda-dbg.

Can anyone suggest any diagnostic tools or methods that I can use to verify that the 
firewall is set up the way I requested? I've tried to use 'netcat' in the past to 
verify proper transmission through a firewall, but don't understand how I could use it 
in this case, as I don't know what port the firewall will NAT the request to.

I'm not getting any diagnostic messages in any of the logs I've looked at, on either 
the host or clients.

Any suggestions? Thanks for all your help and advice.

-Kevin Zembower

# since I'm always forgetting to su amanda...
if [ `whoami` != 'amanda' ]; then
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!"
echo "Amanda needs to be configured and built by the user amanda,"
echo "but must be installed by user root."
exit 1
echo "!!!!!!!!!!!! Warning !!!!!!!!!!!!"
echo "Did you remember to make the changes in common_src/security.c"
echo "to disable the port check, to allow amanda to work through a"
echo "NATted firewall like CCP's?"
make clean
rm -f config.status config.cache
../configure --with-user=amanda \
   --with-group=disk \
   --with-owner=amanda \
   --with-tape-device=/dev/nst0 \
   --prefix=/usr/local \
   --with-portrange=10080,10083 \
   --with-tcpportrange=10080,10083 \
   --with-udpportrange=850,854 \
   --with-debugging=/tmp/amanda-dbg/ \
   --with-config=DBackup \
   --with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient \


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