Right now, most of everything is on one file server, but I'd like to have some DLEs SW compress on the server, and some compress on the client. The problem is that Amanda 2.4.4p3-1 (Debian) is still only backing up one DLE at a time, and amstatus reports that it is client constrained.
Let me know if you need any more info.
srv-lnx2600 /share/letter_art comp-tar-high 0 srv-lnx2600 /share/accounting srvcomp-tar-high 1 srv-lnx2600 /share/sales comp-tar-high 0
define dumptype comp-tar { default program "GNUTAR" comment "partitions dumped with tar and compressed" compress client best index }
define dumptype srvcomp { compress server best }
define dumptype comp-tar-high { comp-tar priority 4 }
define dumptype srvcomp-tar-high { comp-tar comp-tar-high srvcomp }