I have a very similar problem.  I get no index files produced, so I can't
use amrecover.  In the FAQ it suggests that I might no have it enabled, but
'index yes' is in my global dumptype.  In my first ever dump, the cdirectory
I had specified did not exist, so I have since created it by hand.

Whilst a backup runs absolutely fine and I can use amrestore to obtain the
tar files from the tapes, amdump is still refusing to create indexes.  

What trouble-shooting can anyone suggest to track this down?  

Particularly, I'm not very clear on:
How exactly the indexing program gets run?
Where I would expect indexing related errors to appear in logs / if I need
to enable any debugging to get more information?

I'm running 2.4.4p3 on my server and the clients are all 2.4 versions,
although they are not all this recent (2.4.4p1 & 2.4.2p2).  My old server,
running on a different box and version 2.4.2p2 generates indexes without any
problems - so I'm guessing that it isn't a client configuration issue.

Thanks in advance,


Simon Hildrew
Technical Consultant, Yolus Limited
8 Cole Street, London, SE1 4YH
t: (020) 7089 2711 f: (020) 7089 2691
w: http://www.yolus.com/

-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Lund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 09 September 2004 09:52
Subject: Where is my amgetidx?

Running Amanda 2.4.4p2 on a Linux(FC2) box. Tried the RPM, then compiled
with the following config to mimic the RPM build:

/configure --host=i386-redhat-linux --build=i386-redhat-linux
--target=i386-redhat-linux-gnu --program-prefix= --prefix=/usr
--exec-prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc
--datadir=/usr/share --includedir=/usr/include --libdir=/usr/lib
--libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda --localstatedir=/var/lib
--sharedstatedir=/usr/com --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info
--enable-shared --with-index-server=xena.atc.no
--with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient --with-amandahosts --with-user=amanda
--with-group=disk --with-gnutar=/bin/tar --with-config=DailySet1

I have specified 

define dumptype global {
    comment "Global definitions"
    compress server best
    record yes


define dumptype high-pri {
    comment "Critical file system"
    priority high
    index yes

DLE looks like this

xena.atc.no  root  /  high-pri  1

Everything works ok, except I get no index. I see a lot of references to a
program named "amgetidx" which as far as I understand should be called by
amdump and fetch the index from each target host. But I can't find any files
(source or binary) anywhere on my system called "amgetidx"... what am I
missing here?

Andreas Lund ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Tel: +47 / +47
Ano-Tech Computers (http://www.atc.no/)
** He had a baseball bat and I was tied to a chair. 
** Pissing him off was the smart thing to do.  -- Max Payne

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