I set my DLE up like this to try and split a 430Gb area so it can fit on my
40Gb tapes, similar to what's described in Chapter 18 of the ALPHA docs, under
"the size-question":

archimedes.atc.no       home-a          /mnt/san0  { 
        include "./home/[a]*"
}       3

This appeared to pass OK with amadmin but amcheck would complain about "no
includes" although the wildcard is valid and matches actual disk contents.

I had to change it like this for things to work as expected:

archimedes.atc.no       home-a          /mnt/san0/home  { 
        include "./[a]*"
}       3

This works for my particular situation but it looks to me like a serious
problem with how includes are parsed.

(Running Amanda 2.4.4p2 on i386-redhat-linux)

Andreas Lund ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Tel: +47 / +47
Ano-Tech Computers (http://www.atc.no/)
** He had a baseball bat and I was tied to a chair. 
** Pissing him off was the smart thing to do.  -- Max Payne

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