On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 at 11:03am, Brian Cuttler wrote

> Redhat, perhaps linux in general, does not use SIG HUP to reload its
> configuration, it uses that to dump it. SIG USR2 however will reload
> the configuration.

The "right" way on redhat to start and stop services is
"/sbin/service $NAME restart", e.g. "/sbin/service xinetd restart".

> |   DUMP: 61.44% done at 5926 kB/s, finished in 0:40
> |   DUMP: 68.50% done at 6135 kB/s, finished in 0:32 
> |   DUMP: 75.54% done at 6314 kB/s, finished in 0:24

That's a dump bug.  On the 2.4 kernel with older versions of dump, it 
would often stall like that.  Around that point, lots of us started using 
tar instead.  You could also try downloading and installing the most 
recent version of dump from http://dump.sourceforge.net/.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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