Jon LaBadie wrote:

On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 08:36:31PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:

Does amanda have any type of variables in its config files? I already have a common file referenced by the three amanda.conf files, as well as a common disklist. I'm thinking of a $profile so that I can define the holding disk, index directories and etc in the common file...

Close, the include directive.

I got tired of seeing 99 dumptypes, 89 tapetypes, ...
in amanda.conf.  So I broke them (and others) out
into 5 separate files in a common directory.  The
5 categories (and my file names) are DumpTypes,
HoldingDisks, NetworkInterfaces, TapeTypes, and
Templates.  I have them set up like:

    |     |     |     |
   conf1 conf2 conf3 CommonConfFiles

Did something similar, thought didn't split it as much.

I wonder if the amanda developers would accept a submission of an updated split up default config...

|-- DailyFile1
|   |-- amanda.conf
|   |-- amanda.conf~
|   |-- disklist -> ../disklist
|   |-- disklist~
|   |-- tapelist
|   |-- tapelist.amlabel
|   `-- tapelist.yesterday
|-- DailySet1
|-- DailyTape1
|   |-- amanda.conf
|   |-- amanda.conf~
|   |-- disklist -> ../disklist
|   |-- tapelist
|   |-- tapelist.amlabel
|   |-- tapelist.yesterday
|   `-- tapelist~
|-- WeeklyTape1
|   |-- amanda.conf
|   |-- amanda.conf~
|   |-- disklist -> ../disklist
|   |-- tapelist
|   |-- tapelist.amlabel
|   `-- tapelist.yesterday
|-- amanda-common.conf
|-- amanda-common.conf~
|-- crontab.amanda
|-- disklist
|-- disklist~
`-- exclude.gtar

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