Hi Folks:

I'm very new to using amanda, but I'm anxious to get a large numbers of
servers backed up a bit more reliably with a good number of tape drives
that I've dug up.    I'm in the process of getting that set up, but I
wanted to ask if some of the people who have been using amanda have
found any really good tape labeling processes, utilities out there.  
Right now I have a large collection of tapes that have been labeled at
one time or another for some purpose that they are no longer used for.  
I want to come up with some way of labeling these tapes, quickly and
efficiently.   Are there any database integration tools out there, that
might assist in tape management that plays well with amanda? 

Is there anything that would allow me to do amlabel tapename, and throw
that into a mysql database, that I could then run a query against to
print out some labels?

Thanks for the time.  
Brian E. Seppanen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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