Daniel Bentley wrote:
> So, anyone have suggestions on external changer devices, 8 tape capacity?
> Any brands/model families you would particularly recommend, or would
> recommend we -avoid-?  Also, as we've been dealing exlcusively with DDS
> here, what are pros- and cons- of the different media formats (AIT, DLT,
> LTO, etc) (linkage is appreciated too, I'm sure I'm not the first to ask
> this)?

I have two LTO-2 libraries on two sites, one Dell PowerVault 132T and
one Overland Neo 2000.  Both of them work fine, although in direct
comparison the Overland has a much more solid feel, and is a lot faster
when charging magazines.  Both of these are larger libraries though, 24
slots for the Dell, 30 for the Overland.

I'm generally quite happy with LTO-2 tape drives; they read and write
LTO-1 tapes just fine, tape prices are dropping to around 50EUR for a
200GB (uncompressed) LTO-2 tape.  When I had to choose between the
different formats, I chose LTO-2 because I didn't want to be locked into
one vendor.  (Bad experiences with Sony's DTF which are priced
outrageously expensive.  This alone made me avoid AIT and DTF-2.)  Sorry
I can't provide any links, just my 2 cents, etc.

I do completely agree with Gene, though; amanda isn't really meant to
use one single large-capacity tape for several runs.  If your data
(currently and for some time to come) fits comfortably on smaller DDS
tapes, better use one of them per day.  That would also allow you to
take them to a secondary storage site much more quickly, because you
need not wait for the huge tape to fill up.

I'd also really recommend you get a library with a barcode reader.  For
both my changers I've come up with a GNU barcode script to print my own
labels, and it's a real treat having the changer identify my tapes with
their amanda-correct label.


Alexander Jolk         /         BUF Compagnie
tel +33-1 42 68 18 28 /  fax +33-1 42 68 18 29

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