
I just want to make sure I'm getting this correct... We've already got a standard amanda config running with a 2 month dumpcycle, and we're quite happy with that.

Now we're looking to do some long-term archiving of our systems. We want the following:

-full level 0's every month
-runs out of cron 6 times/month

Basically I'm looking at something like this:

org "archive"                   # name of this config
mailto "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"         # where reports go
dumpcycle 30            # how often a 'full dump' happens (0=full every time)
tapecycle 9999          # min tapes in a cycle (never want to overwrite)
runspercycle 6          # 0=same as dumpcycle (how many times run per cycle)

Meaning in our case that cron will run this 6 times in 30 days.

Additionally, all dumptypes are set to "noincr".

Am I correct in assuming that when I fire this up Amanda will try to space these dumps out over the 6 runs?

I ask because I did a few test runs with two small tar backups on each host and it grabbed a level 0 of all of them on the first run, then again on the second run.

What am I doing wrong?



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