
I'm quite new to all this tape storage stuff, so please be kind. After
some research I came to this streamer with eight AIT-3 tapes.

Now I wonder if amanda works fine with it. The system is currently
runnig SuSE Linux 8.2 with Kernel 2.4.20

I do not even know if the streamer is supported by the kernel.

Also I would take recommendations for other tape devices. I have a
free external U-SCSI 160 port on the server and would take every
storage solution that provides about 600-800 gigs of uncompressed
capacity. Maybe a little less would be enough if compression is good.
Data is mostly large images, so I guess compression won't work that

So what I really need is a newbie's guide to data storage. Which
streamer to buy without spending more than about max. 3k-4k Euro/
Dollars. Less is always appreciated. It should run with the kernel
2.4.20 and amanda.

By the way, I forum post got me to amanda. Is it really a full
featured backup solution with daily incremental backups? Can they be
made on the same set of tapes until they are full? How does it work
when I change the tapeset weekly. What I mean is that there is always
one backup set out of the building and one set in the streamer with
daily backups.

Geez, sorry if some the answers are in the FAQ, couldn't obviously see
any of the answers there and as I said, I am new to all this.

Tnx in advance!


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