On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 16:20:18 -0500, Jon LaBadie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not quite.  The tapecycle means amanda will not overwrite a tape until
> 27 others in the tapelist have been used.  You could actually cycle
> 40 or 80 tapes and leave the tapecycle at 28 or reduce it to 7.  Tape-
> cycle is how soon can a tape be reused.

That makes tapecycle much easier to understand.  Thanks!  Yeah I know
that I could cycle a bunch more tapes, but frankly, I don't really
want (nor have the need) for that much retention.

> And, get that "day" and "days" off of the runspercycle and tapecycle lines.
> They are unit-less integers.  One run per day.  Twenty eight tapes minimum
> in the cycle.
> Same with runspercycle.

Yeah - that was a typo on my part...thanks for pointing it out, though.

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