On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 09:53:53PM -0000, James Marcinek enlightened us:
> I'm finally starting my backup on the server with the large file system. I'm
> receiving errors and the DLE did not run as the excludes never took affect.
> Here's excerpts from the amdump log:
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 21: dump type parameter expected
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 21: end of line expected
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 22: dump type parameter expected
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 23: dump type parameter expected
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 23: end of line expected
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 24: dump type parameter expected
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 25: dump type parameter expected
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 25: end of line expected
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 26: dump type parameter expected
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 27: dump type parameter expected
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 27: end of line expected
> "/etc/amanda/normal/disklist", line 28: dump type parameter expected
> So here's my definitions from the disklist (NOTE: I based these from an amanda
> doc...):
> servername /ROOT_DIR / {
> root-tar
> exclude "./boot"
> append exclude "./home"
> append exclude "./opt"
> append exclude "./usr"
> append exclude "./var"
> }

That should be "exclude append"


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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