On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 09:54:53AM +0100, Thorsten Bremer wrote:
> Moin Jon,
> > The difference is that the backup programs are likely to
> > run unattended, or by an operator and the result is a collection
> > or archive of all the files, possibly on tape.  To get root
> > privlege during backup, certain programs are "setuid'ed" to
> > root.  Thus they can, and should be run by the backup user
> > despite needing root privlege for certain operations.
> Yes, I know that Amanda setuid'ed himself to run some tasks with
> higher privileges. But why he didn't setuid also while restore short
> before the chown? 

It would give anyone who could run the restore, i.e. the amanda user,
the ability to recover and/or replace any file on the system.  That
task is typically given only to root.

> > For a few months, until my game was discovered, my bill dropped
> > to about $300/month.
> Yes, I know such playing with quota. In the beginning of my CS-studies
> our quota-software could'nt count the quota when moving files to
> another harddisk. So another student on a different disk installs a
> directory for another one. And after that, you could get space only
> limited by the space of the other disk(s) :-)

Hadn't heard that one before.

> But: Paying for disk-space as you? How long is this away? :-))

30 years ago, when a single disk drive came in a cabinet the size
of a washing machine.  And just a little more recent that that,
when I started doing some admin, I budgeted $10,000 for a 300 MB drive!!
Times have changed!

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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