Hey "amanda-users"!

First: Thanks to all for your tips and hints.

Second: The story goes on ...

SUN updatet some packages of the OS (Solaris 8), updatet the OBP, they did some stresstests and so on - without success.

During the last week we had the console output logged to a Putty-Session and what shall I say: At the console the machine told about some CPU problems. SUN changed the complete CPU-Board and the affected SCSI-Controller on which the tape devices are attached. Without success!!!!

Today SUN will change the centerplane and we'll see ;-)

I'll keep you informed.

Greets from Stuttgart

Michael Schaller schrieb:

Maybe this Thread is a little OT, maybe it isn't.

During a few days we've big problems with one of our servers.
It's a SUN FIRE V480R with external StorEdge an a external changer (Overland LoaderXpress with a single LTO-1 drive from HP) attached.

As I wrote a few weeks ago the system run fine with AMANDA and the changer. Only in the fist night after configuring AMANDA with the changer the automatic backup started and the complete system crashed!!
Solaris didn't give any messages in /var/adm/messages ...
The system was frozen, the only way to get the system back to life was a "poweroff". After that the system was really fine for a few weeks.

Last week the same shit happend. The complete system was frozen.

We opened a call but without any messages sun was not able to solve the problem. During the last two days the system crashed two times.
But now the system does a automatic reboot.

Anybody ANY hints??

I get crazy ...

Thanks in advance

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