Paul Bijnens said:
> Gavin Henry wrote:
>> Just wondering if upgrading is just a simple case of compiling the new
>> sources with the same configure options, which should just replace the
>> existing binaries?
> That's what I did.
> To be honest, I do it a little bit different, but in this case,
> the effect is the same.
> I compile with :
> ./configure \
>          --prefix=/pkgs/amanda-2.4.4p4 \
>          --localstatedir=/var/opt/amanda \
>          --with-configdir=/var/opt/amanda/etc \
>       --with-user=... etc etc
> This builds a program tree in a decidated directory, different
> for each version, and the config and state files in a more stable
> directory.
> Then I use "graft" to place symlinks in /usr/local (a perl script,
> see, but site
> was down just this minute):
>      graft -d amanda-2.4.4p3   # remove old links
>      graft -i amanda-2.4.4p4   # install new links
> Now /usr/local/sbin/amadmin points to /pkgs/amanda-2.4.4p4/sbin/amadmin
> and so for all files in the tree /pkgs/amanda-2.4.4p4.
> My path still remains manageable, and contains /usr/local/bin etc,
> but not /pkgs/amanda*.  The "production" version has the links
> in /usr/local; the old or experimental versions keep their own
> separate tree in /pkgs/amanda-VERSION.
> Instead of "replacing the existing binaries" this replaces the links
> to the binaries.  The additional advantage is that, if the new version
> has LESS files, none of the obsolete files stay lingering around.
> The advantage is that I can install and test a new version, without
> disrupting the old version (the config and state files are the same;
> only if the config requires incompatible settings, I need to be a
> little more careful).
> Should the new version suddenly show some problems, I can revert to
> the old version in a few seconds.  I can even execute old or new
> versions by giving the full path /pkgs/amanda-2.4.4p1/sbin/amadmin
> if needed.  After a few months, I can uninstall the old version
> by simply doing a "rm -rf /pkgs/amanda-2.4.4p3".


I'll check out that perl script.

Kind Regards,

Gavin Henry.
Managing Director.

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