Hello Everyone,

I've recently deployed amanda. The client forgot tapes on several occasions and
I've got 4 backups in my holding area. I initiated the amflush command and
followed the instructions. The job kicked off in the background and I've been

ps -ef |grep amanda

to see if the process is still running, which it is. When I do a top command
it's using lots of CPU time.

It's been runninng for several hours now and my logs haven't been populating
since it started. Here's the last few entries:

START amflush date 20041207
START driver date 20041207
START taper datestamp 20041207 label Normal18 tape 0

I'm a bit confused because I now see a folder 20041207 in my /var/holding. It's
empty, which is good if it's working properly.

Why isn't anything being populated too(amflush and log file)? Is there any way
to tell if it's running properly?



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