Hi all,

I wasn't sure if this was a hackers or users mail, so I sent to to both lists. Hope this is ok

I've been trying to restore a few files from an amanda backup, amanda version 2.4.3b4 on freebsd 4.9

i'm using a SCSI DDS-4 drive

also, i use the comp-root-tar backup method

the dump works fine, and if i use amrestore -p | tar -tvf I can see that the files are indeed there.

But, when I try to use amrecover, it's all fine while I'm doing the sethost, setdisk etc. I can even browse the virtual FS and see add the files ready for restore, but when I come to try and run the extract command, this happens.

Load tape ffhs-daily16 now
Continue [?/Y/n/t]?
EOF, check amidxtaped.debug file on ngidnoc.
amrecover: short block 0 bytes
amrecover: Can't read file header
extract_list - child returned non-zero status: 1
Continue [?/Y/n]?

I checked the faq-o-matic, and found this error, but it suggests the tape isn't rewound, and it definately is, because I tried again after reading that just to make sure.

So, I look in the logfile, and see this:

amrestore: could not open /dev/nrsa0: Permission denied
amidxtaped: time 0.096: amrestore terminated normally with status: 2
amidxtaped: time 0.097: rewinding tape ...
amidxtaped: time 0.097: tape_rewind: tape open: /dev/nrsa0: Permission denied
amidxtaped: time 0.097: pid 85649 finish time Wed Dec 8 17:12:32 2004

Which completely baffles me because,

a) the amdump can use the tape drive fine, as can amrestore
b) the amanda user is in the operator group, and the operator group has rw permissions on /dev/nrsa0
c) I've tried su'ing to amanda, and trying to access the tape drive and that is also fine.

I'm now completely stumped, and would appreciate any help at all. If you need any more info, please let me know.



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