On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 at 10:15am, Michael J. Pawlowsky wrote

> > I know nothing of LVM, but I think it should still work.  What backup tool 
> > are you using (dump or tar)?  If tar, amanda runs it via the setuid root 
> > 'runtar' wrapper, so tar will run as root.  amcheck may well fail, IIRC, 
> > but amdump should actually work.
> > 
> I'm using dump.  Basically it fails while trying to do the estimate.
> But if it can't do the estimate, I doubt it would be able to backup.

True.  I was wondering if it passed 'amcheck'.

> But I really would like to fix the main problem which is that udev is 
> not creating the permission of logical volumes correctly.
> I did put a bug in bugzilla for Fedoara for this, but who knows when 
> someone might get to it.
> I know that this is not specific to amanda,but since amanda is the only 
> app giving me problems with this, I thought others might have also had 
> the same problems and found a solution to it.

I don't have any FC3 yet.  You'd probably have more luck on fedora-list.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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