
> Humm, are you saying that amlabel works and can read the label 
> written, but that dd doesn't/cannot?  Back to 'man dd' as it exists 
> on that Irix system would be my next suggestion.

Remembering that I'd set the blocksize on the device and relabeled
yesterday I tried this.

samar 160# mt -f /dev/sdlt2 rewind
samar 161# dd of=/dev/sdlt2 bs=32k if=./scratch
1+0 records in
1+0 records out

Which worked fine.

I then tried to re-write the label with dd

samar 170# dd of=/dev/sdlt2 obs=32k if=./scratch 
64+0 records in
1+0 records out

"bs" block size, "obs" outpub BS, (there is an IBS also, which I
am afraid of developing should this not resolve soon)

Actually the xfsrestore file is a link to the executable in the /usr/sbin
directory. It does make sense, after a fashion (why not a link for the
xfsdump executable as well).

> >samar 126# which xfsrestore
> >/sbin/xfsrestore
> >samar 127# which xfsdump
> >/usr/sbin/xfsdump

I'm now going to attempt to run amdump with a much shorter disklist
and see if I can't get a rational result on this tape.

   Brian R Cuttler                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Computer Systems Support        (v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center                (f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of Health        Help Desk 518 473-0773

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