I am setting up to transition an existing Amanda config on a Debian
Woody Linux system with one drive to a two drive setup. I have been
trying to research this and have come up with what I believe is the
correct amanda config:

tapedev "/dev/nst{1,2},2}"      # the non-rewinding device to write

# our tape definition
define tapetype HP-C5683Ax2 {
        comment "DDS-4 DAT tape"
        length 16584 mbytes
        filemark 452 kbytes
        speed 2613 kbytes

While I believe that this setup is correct, I have not gotten a concrete
picture of how this will affect my backups. What I would like to see
happen is that after the first tape is full, instead of sending
subsequent backup data to the spooling area, it sends it to the second
tape drive. When the second tape drive is too full, I would like further
backup data to go to the spooling area. Is this the default setup or do
I need to change something else?


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