On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 10:38 -0500, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 09:57:22AM -0500, Vicki Stanfield wrote:
> > 
> > Thanks. I was unsure of whether this was a potential problem or not. As
> > long as Amanda tells me that there was a problem and dumps to the spool,
> > I am happy.
> Make sure your "holding disk" space is sufficiently large and
> that your "reserve" parameter is set to some value smaller
> than the default 100%.  The reserve aspect is to reserve the
> holding disk for incrementals only when there are tape drive
> problems.  If your holding disk is sufficiently large, you
> can also hold some full backups so the reserve should be
> decreased.  I have enough holding disk for several days
> of normal dumps (> 1wk) and use a reserve of 20%.
> jl

I'm not sure that I correctly understand the reserve parameter. I have
heard that it is used to get amanda to degrade full dumps to merely
incremental dumps if the holding disk gets full. I assume the percentage
refers to how full. So how does degrading to incrementals help if the
holding disk is 100% full? What am I misunderstanding here? I can
understand saying that if the holding disk is 75% full, switch to
incrementals though.


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