Hmm, that messages wasn't supposed to be sent yet...

Hans van Zijst wrote:
I did, months ago. So it should be using the setuid runtar binary, but still it can't read stuff. Maybe the problem arises in an earlier stage, before the actual backup is done. When I run amcheck, it complains it can't read the exclude-lists.

The problem seems to be smaller than I thought. Indeed it complains about not being able to read the exlude-lists:

> Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
> --------------------------------
> ERROR: [Can't open exclude file
> '/var/cvs/./amanda_exclude.txt': Permission denied]
> Client check: 1 host checked in 0.037 seconds, 1 problem found
> (brought to you by Amanda 2.4.4p3)

My disklist contains the entry /dev/mapper/vg00-cvs btw, not /var/cvs.

But when I run a dump, it still backs up my entire CVS tree. Including, however, the directories I entered in the exclude list. So the problem I described doesn't seem to affect amdump, only the planner.

Do I do something wrong, or have I found something that needs some attention from the developers?



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