I tried to compile and configure Amanda 2.4.4 for the first time on Compaq Tru64 version 5.1b but I’m having problems configuring the changer (Compaq StorageWorks MSL 5026 Library).  


I have included outputs of Amanda.conf, chg-multi.conf, disklist, and tapelist (empty file).  I ran HP StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools (HP diagnostics) which communicated with the changer with no problems.


If I run amcheck daily I get the following:


isaac-/cmrf/alpha/amanda/etc/amanda/daily> amcheck daily

Amanda Tape Server Host Check


WARNING: program /cmrf/alpha/amanda/libexec/planner: not setuid-root

WARNING: program /cmrf/alpha/amanda/libexec/dumper: not setuid-root

WARNING: program /cmrf/alpha/amanda/sbin/amcheck: not setuid-root

Holding disk /amanda: 53053776 KB disk space available, that's plenty

amcheck-server: slot 10: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 11: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 12: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 13: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 14: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 1: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 2: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 3: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 4: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 5: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 6: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 7: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 8: not an amanda tape

amcheck-server: slot 9: not an amanda tape

ERROR: new tape not found in rack

       (expecting a new tape)

NOTE: skipping tape-writable test

Server check took 6.735 seconds


Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check


ERROR: isaac: [host isaac.engin.brown.edu: port 2105 not secure]

Client check: 1 host checked in 0.067 seconds, 1 problem found


(brought to you by Amanda 2.4.4)



Output of Amanda.conf file


runtapes 1              # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump

tpchanger "chg-multi"   # the tape-changer glue script

tapedev "/dev/ntape/tape2"      # the no-rewind tape device to be used

rawtapedev "/dev/null"  # the raw device to be used (ftape only)

# changerfile "/usr/adm/amanda/DailySet1/changer"

# changerfile "/usr/adm/amanda/DailySet1/changer-status"

# changerfile "/usr/adm/amanda/DailySet1/changer.conf"

changerfile "/cmrf/alpha/amanda/etc/amanda/daily/chg-multi.conf"

changerdev "/dev/changer/mc0"


maxdumpsize -1          # Maximum number of bytes the planner will schedule

                        # for a run (default: runtapes * tape_length).

tapetype SDLT-110               # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)

labelstr "^DailySet1[0-9][0-9]*$"       # label constraint regex: all tapes must match


amrecover_do_fsf yes            # amrecover will call amrestore with the

                                # -f flag for faster positioning of the tape.

amrecover_check_label yes       # amrecover will call amrestore with the

                                # -l flag to check the label.

amrecover_changer "/dev/ntape/tape2"    # amrecover will use the changer if you restore

                                # from this device.

# Note that, although the keyword below is infofile, it is only so for

# historic reasons, since now it is supposed to be a directory (unless

# you have selected some database format other than the `text' default)

infofile "/usr/adm/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo"    # database DIRECTORY

logdir   "/usr/adm/amanda/DailySet1"            # log directory

indexdir "/usr/adm/amanda/DailySet1/index"      # index directory

#tapelist "/usr/adm/amanda/DailySet1/tapelist"  # list of used tapes

# tapelist is stored, by default, in the directory that contains amanda.conf


define tapetype SDLT-110 {

    comment "Compaq SuperDLT 110/220"

    length 141309 mbytes

    filemark 0 kbytes

    speed 13858 kbytes



Output of chg-multi.conf file


multieject 0

gravity 0

needeject 0

ejectdelay 0

firstslot 1

lastslot 14

slot 1 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 2 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 3 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 4 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 5 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 6 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 7 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 8 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 9 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 10 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 11 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 12 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 13 /dev/ntape/tape2

slot 14 /dev/ntape/tape2


output of disklist


isaac   /usr2   comp-high


Tapelist file is empty




Jim Scheuerman

Director of Engineering Computing

Brown University

182 Hope Street

Providence, RI 02912

Voice: (401) 863-1500

Cell: (401) 447-4847



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