On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 06:08:01PM +0100, Sebastian Ksters wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a problem. For weekly backups we use Amanda with v-tapes. These tapes
> get overwritten every week. No problems. Works fine. 
> At Sunday we want Amanda to backup on real tapes. These tapes should not be
> overwritten every Sunday. We want to archive the tapes. 

I have a similar situation here.  I recently moved to doing our daily dumps
on vtapes (I previously used a 48-tape DLT jukebox).  Now periodically (monthly
maybe -- haven't set the schedule yet) I want to take a set of off-site dumps
out of the building.

In the old tape days, I used to force a level-0 dump when I wanted to do
that.  This was a pain and never very satisfying.  So I wrote a perl script
that will extract the most recent full dump for every disk partition out
of the vtapes.  It copies them to removable disks which I take offsite,
but you could copy them to tapes instead if you wanted.  

The script is fairly generic (I tried not to let it depend on my local
environment too much, but there may be some gotchas).  I was also lazy
about a couple of assumptions (like the fact that my dumps all used gtar).
If anyone wants it, let me know.

Mark Costlow    | Southwest Cyberport | Fax:   +1-505-232-7975
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Web:   www.swcp.com | Voice: +1-505-232-7992

      "Education is never a waste" - Viscount du Valmont

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