thank you Nick, that's the solution.
mtx is working properly again.

Now I can return to the main experiment: try to read barcodes!
As far as I understand the documentation and the several reactions
this way is not yet very clear. I feel myself a kind of explorer:),
but I am still open for a good suggestion.
I.e. about the question which changer I should use: chg-zd-mtx or
chg-mtx or ...


Nick Danger wrote:
From what I remember, sometimes you have to offline the tape before moving it.

mt -f /dev/st0 offline

wait - then do the mtx


Wim Zwitser wrote:

thank you for your advice to reinstall amanda using the tarball.
The installation was simple.
I use chg-zd-mtx as the recommanded changer with barcodereader,
both in rpm-amanda and in tar-amanda, but still without success.

But suddenly I ran into another problem. I could unload or eject
a tape from the drive into the original slot before, but since
yesterday I get:

# mtx -f /dev/sg1 unload
Unloading Data Transfer Element into Storage Element 2...mtx: Request Sense: Long Report=yes
mtx: Request Sense: Valid Residual=no
mtx: Request Sense: Error Code=70 (Current)
mtx: Request Sense: Sense Key=Illegal Request
mtx: Request Sense: FileMark=no
mtx: Request Sense: EOM=no
mtx: Request Sense: ILI=no
mtx: Request Sense: Additional Sense Code = 3B
mtx: Request Sense: Additional Sense Qualifier = 83
mtx: Request Sense: BPV=no
mtx: Request Sense: Error in CDB=no
mtx: Request Sense: SKSV=no
MOVE MEDIUM from Element Address 451 to 1 Failed

I did not touch mtx, etc.
I have no idea where the strange value 451 comes from.

Do you have a suggestion?


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