On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 10:04:40AM +0100, Paul Bijnens wrote:
> Jon LaBadie wrote:
> >
> >With the ultrium it is less important about considering HW or SW
> >compression.  But be aware that on Solaris whether HW compression
> >is turned on or not is determined by the device you choose.  You
> >will find lots of /dev/rmt/0"xyz" devices.  The "xyz" determines
> >the properties of the device the driver will set upon opening it.
> >
> >Don't be fooled into assumptions about the various devices.  The
> >"c" device is listed as "compressed".  But that is the conventional
> >use.  There is no certainty that it turns compression on for every
> >device, or that devices without the "c" are no compression.  You
> >will even have a "c" device for drives that are not capable of
> >HW compression ;-)  Only way to tell is check the docs for the
> >drive and settings for the driver.  And then I'd check it if I
> >could.
> >
> Indeed.
> And check the file st.init, where the letters get their meaning.

Paul, I'm unfamiliar with the file st.init.
Nor do I find one on my system.
Did you mean the st.conf file in /kernel/drv?

If the st.conf file, I don't find an entries for any lto's I
recognize.  One poster said it was "builtin" to the driver,
another said they had to edit the file and add an entry.

The drive docs would probably still be needed to interpret
the entry.

Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 JG Computing
 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
 Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

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