I have the new scsi card (an inexpensive LSILogic LSIU80ALVDB) that fixes the problems I was having.  So, the Exabyte tech support was correct and the great advice I got herein this mailing list also said "get a separate scsi card" !  I am still using the older driver.  I will be updating the driver to the newer sym53c8xx-2 and also experimenting with the "amtape" and "mtx" commands to manipulate this new autoloader.  I may be asking some additional good questions if I have any more problems.  Thanks for all the great help !

On Mon, 2005-02-07 at 16:20 -0500, James D. Freels wrote:
I am near positive I did not fry anything since everything is working correctly except a sustained write to the tape.  If anything were damages, I would expect nothing to work at all.  I have ordered the new scsi card and I will report back in to this thread when I find the results.  I am also interested in using the sym53c8xx-2 driver instead of the older ones.  The older drivers presently work the best with the present configuration.  Perhaps the newer drivers do not tolerate the bad scsi chain as well as the older ones ?

On Mon, 2005-02-07 at 15:55 -0500, Eric Siegerman wrote:
On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 07:21:59PM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Aha, LVD!  LVD is not compatible with the rest of the system unless 
> the rest of the system is also LVD.  It is two, completely seperate 
> signalling methods that just happen to use the same cabling.

Yes and no.  From the SCSI FAQ: "[ANSI] specified that if an LVD
device is designed properly, it can switch to S.E. [single-ended,
i.e. "normal", SCSI] mode and operate with S.E. devices on the
same bus segment."
  - http://h000625f788f5.ne.client2.attbi.com/scsi_faq/scsifaq.html#Generic099

So if you mix it with S.E., you lose its LVDness, e.g. you have
to stick to a S.E. bus length; but you shouldn't fry any

HVD (high-voltage differential, i.e. the original differential
variant of SCSI) is another story completely!  That is indeed
flat-out incompatible with S.E. (and presumably with LVD too...)


|  | /\
|-_|/  >   Eric Siegerman, Toronto, Ont.        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |  /
The animal that coils in a circle is the serpent; that's why so
many cults and myths of the serpent exist, because it's hard to
represent the return of the sun by the coiling of a hippopotamus.
	- Umberto Eco, "Foucault's Pendulum"

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