Jon and others are correct that this message is coming from ufsdump when it 
is run as a user other than root.  For instance when run as "amanda":

$ /usr/sbin/ufsdump 0Ssf 1048576 - /dev/md/rdsk/d92
Unable to create temporary directory in any of the directories listed 
Please correct this problem and rerun the program.

and when run as root:
/usr/sbin/ufsdump 0Ssf 1048576 - /dev/md/rdsk/d92

When I do "truss -o /var/tmp/truss.output /usr/sbin/ufsdump 0Ssf 1048576 - 
/dev/md/rdsk/d92" the following results:

lstat64(".rlg.10aqFe", 0xFFBFE2B8)              Err#2 ENOENT
mkdir("/tmp/.rlg.10aqFe", 0)                    = 0
mkdir("/tmp/.rlg.10aqFe/.rlg.10aqFe", 0)        = 0
mount("/dev/md/dsk/d92", "/tmp/.rlg.10aqFe/.rlg.10aqFe", 
TIONSTR, "ufs", 0xFFBFEBBC, 4) = 0
umount2("/dev/md/dsk/d92", 0x00000000)          = 0
rmdir("/tmp/.rlg.10aqFe/.rlg.10aqFe")           = 0
rmdir("/tmp/.rlg.10aqFe")                       = 0

and when run as "amanda":
  Truss will not work on suid applications.
So, you can see that ufsdump is attempting to create directories with names 
of the form .rlg.*

Now, my permissions on ufsdump are as follows:

# ls -lad /usr/sbin/ufsdump
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          21 Sep 22 12:51 /usr/sbin/ufsdump -> 


# ls -lad /usr/lib/fs/ufs/ufsdump
-r-sr-xr-x   1 root     bin        87508 Apr 12  2004 

>On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 03:22:01PM -0600, Karl W. Burkett wrote:
>> I'm having the same problem.  I'll provide what additional information
>> I have:
>>   Operating system: Solaris 5.9 on amanda server and client
>>   amanda version: 2.4.4p3
>>   problem happens in both sendbackup and sendsize
>>   There seems to be a problem with permissions being created on 
>>   some temporary directories ( in /tmp in this case ):
>> $ ls -la /tmp
>> total 178
>> drwxrwxrwt  12 root     sys          867 Feb 23 08:30 .
>> drwxr-xr-x  24 root     root        1024 Feb 21 22:48 ..
>> d---------   2 amanda   backup       117 Feb 23 04:00 .rlg.iDa4R3
>> d---------   2 amanda   backup       117 Feb 23 04:00 .rlg.o3aiS3
>> d---------   2 amanda   backup       117 Feb 23 04:23 .rlg.uUaWT3
>> drwx------   2 amanda   backup       718 Feb 23 04:23 amanda
>>   As you can see, amanda has no write permission in ".rlg*", though I
>> am getting the debug files in /tmp/amanda.  This could be the source
>> of the problem, though I've no idea how to fix this.  Could it be a
>> umask issue when amandad is called from inetd?
>> Speaking of the debug files, here are a couple that provide a little
>> more information on the issue:
>> ::::::::::::::
>> sendbackup.20050223042349.debug
>> ::::::::::::::
>> sendbackup: debug 1 pid 28523 ruid 479 euid 479: start at Wed Feb 23
>> 04:23:49 20
>> 05
>> /usr/site/amanda-2.4.4p3/libexec/sendbackup: version 2.4.4p3
>>   parsed request as: program `DUMP'
>>                      disk `/dev/md/rdsk/d92'
>>                      device `/dev/md/rdsk/d92'
>>                      level 0
>>                      since 1970:1:1:0:0:0
>>                      options `|;bsd-auth;no-record;index;'
>> sendbackup: try_socksize: send buffer size is 65536
>> sendbackup: time 0.000: stream_server: waiting for connection:
>> sendbackup: time 0.000: stream_server: waiting for connection:
>> sendbackup: time 0.001: stream_server: waiting for connection:
>> sendbackup: time 0.001: waiting for connect on 50045, then 50046, then
>> 50047
>> sendbackup: time 0.004: stream_accept: connection from
>> sendbackup: time 0.005: stream_accept: connection from
>> sendbackup: time 0.007: stream_accept: connection from
>> sendbackup: time 0.007: got all connections
>> sendbackup: time 0.010: dumping device '/dev/md/rdsk/d92' with ''
>> sendbackup: time 0.011: spawning /usr/sbin/ufsdump in pipeline
>> sendbackup: argument list: dump 0sf 1048576 - /dev/md/rdsk/d92
>> sendbackup: time 0.016: started index creator: "/usr/sbin/ufsrestore
>> -tvf - 2>&1
>>  | sed -e '
>> s/^leaf[        ]*[0-9]*[       ]*\.//
>> t
>> /^dir[  ]/ {
>> s/^dir[         ]*[0-9]*[       ]*\.//
>> s%$%/%
>> t
>> }
>> d
>> '"
>> sendbackup: time 0.024: 117: strange(?): Unable to create temporary
>> directory in
>>  any of the directories listed below:
>> sendbackup: time 0.026: 117: strange(?):        /tmp/
>> sendbackup: time 0.029: 117: strange(?):        /var/tmp/
>> sendbackup: time 0.031: 117: strange(?):        /
>> sendbackup: time 0.033: 117: strange(?): Please correct this problem
>> and rerun t
>> he program.
>> sendbackup: time 0.188:  93:  normal(|):   DUMP: Date of this level 0
>> dump: Wed 
>I don't have any idea.  Just the comment that the message "Unable ..."
>is coming from ufsdump, not from any of the amanda code.
>On my x86 Solaris 9, ufsdump, in /usr/sbin, is a symbolic link to
>/usr/lib/fs/ufs/ufsdump.  That program is set uid, root owned.
>Perhaps your's has been altered.
>Jon H. LaBadie                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> JG Computing
> 4455 Province Line Road        (609) 252-0159
> Princeton, NJ  08540-4322      (609) 683-7220 (fax)

   Karl Burkett            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Rice University        713.348.6256

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