On Monday 28 February 2005 10:03, Gavin Henry wrote:
><quote who="Mike Karp">
>> Gavin:
>> Can you put me in contact with these guys? If they really have
>> something, I probably should help them make it public.  @ the very
>> least, it sounds as if I should learn more about them.
>Would anyone like to step forward and speak to Mike?
I wonder where the guy from the USDA went, they were using it the last 
I knew.

>> Thanks for your interest.
>> Cheers.
>> Mike
>> _____________________________________
>> Michael Karp
>> Senior Analyst
>> Enterprise Management Associates
>> 8 Olde Stonebridge Path
>> Westboro, MA 01581
>> 508-366-0328
>> To access the archive of my twice-weekly NetworkWorld FUSION
>> newsletter "Storage in the Enterprise", go to
>> http://emausa.com/storage_page.html and click on STORAGE IN THE
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Gavin Henry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 9:17 AM
>> To: Mike Karp
>> Subject: RE: Linux Storage Options
>> <quote who="Mike Karp">
>>> Hi Gavin.
>>> Thanks for the note.  Actually, I had never heard much about
>>> either of these before your note.  Since then, I've refreshed my
>>> knowledge re Amanda, albeit briefly.  From what I can see, based
>>> on a quick reading of the doc you pointed me to, it doesn't
>>> appear to be an industrial strength application for the
>>> enterprise - although I could certainly
>> be
>>> wrong about that.
>> Re:
>> http://www.nwfusion.com/newsletters/stor/2005/0221stor2.html?fsrc=
>>rss-li nux,
>> I'd like to see the replies if you posted that to the Amanda
>> mailing list ;-)
>> Actually, Amanda is very enterprise ready. It backups today some
>> of the largest networks, which many of the sys admins on the
>> Amanda list can verify.
>> Gavin.
>>> Thanks for writing, and of course, for reading my newsletter.
>>> Cheers.
>>> Mike
>>> _____________________________________
>>> Michael Karp
>>> Senior Analyst
>>> Enterprise Management Associates
>>> 8 Olde Stonebridge Path
>>> Westboro, MA 01581
>>> 508-366-0328
>>> To access the archive of my twice-weekly NetworkWorld FUSION
>> newsletter
>>> "Storage in the Enterprise", go to
>>> http://emausa.com/storage_page.html and click on STORAGE IN THE
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Gavin Henry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 5:24 PM
>>> To: Mike Karp
>>> Subject: Linux Storage Options
>>> What about Amanda:
>>> http://www.amanda.org
>>> And Bru?
>>> http://www.tolisgroup.com/
>>> --
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Gavin Henry.
>>> Managing Director.
>>> T +44 (0) 1224 279484
>>> M +44 (0) 7930 323266
>>> F +44 (0) 1224 742001
>>> Open Source. Open Solutions(tm).
>>> http://www.suretecsystems.com/

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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