Hi, Paul,

on Freitag, 04. März 2005 at 18:07 you wrote to amanda-users:

PB> Last time I looked at doing backups of Oracle (Ora 6-7-8), I
PB> approached it as follows:  first set each tablespace in hot backup mode
PB> (alter tablespace TS begin backup) then doing a filesystem backup
PB> of all the directories with datafiles, using plain amanda DLE's,
PB> then setting each tablespace out of hot backup mode, (alter
PB> tablespace TS end backup);  then force a redo log switch (alter
PB> system switch logfile) and then doing a backup of the archived redologs.

PB> No need to stop the database at all.

PB> The dirty trick with amanda here is getting the archived redo logs done
PB> after the rest. That is difficult, because the datafiles
PB> are spread over different DLE's, and, as another thread this week
PB> already explained, you can't very well specify an order for the DLE's
PB> in amanda.  My solution was to mirror the archived redologs to a
PB> different machine. Having a tapebackup of datafiles + archived redologs
PB> on two different machines was enough to restore the database. That
PB> mirror was kept up to date during daytime too.
PB> To be really sure, I did a full export too (also nice to restore a
PB> single table if needed).

PB> Is Oracle 9-10 any different for "hot backup mode" (i.e. more
PB> complicated than it need to be?).

Paul, Bert, and anyone else:
Could anyone of you imagine writing a small "Howto back up Oracle dbs"
for the docs?

best regards,

Stefan G. Weichinger

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