On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 16:25 +0100, Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> I have had a peculiar situation where a back-up failed to succeed. The
> error message was:
> epo.dk     /var lev 2 FAILED [no more holding disk space]
> It later turned out not to be too little holding disk space. I had
> simply forgotten to set the write inhibit switch off when I inserted the
> tape. Of course the holding space ran full and that was later written to
> tape by the amflush command. So far so good, but what about all the data
> that was not backed-up when the staging area ran full? Has that been
> backed up by the amflush command? If not what shall I do (have done) in
> this case?
Sorry, folks. Forgot the attachment.

Erik P. Olsen

Attachment: faxcover.msg.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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