Do you have something like this in your amdump file:

planner: time 1817.635: got result for host condor disk //bunting/e$: 0 -> 
5524252K, 1 -> 108113K, 2 -> 108113K

It should verify that it calculates the level 0 and level 1 backups. 

Is the level 0 actually written entirely to disk (or tape).  Is it
possible that the backup fails before the level 0 has been completed?

"Marc N. Cannava" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi all,
> I've been using Amanda for a while with no issue.
> I recently moved from RH9 to Gentoo and re-installed amanda with the
> latest version available in the ebuild tree (amanda 2.4.4_p3). Using
> my same config files and backing up to disk (using chg-disk).
> Very, very odd problem now: No matter how many times Amanda runs, she
> always calculates the dump sizes as if they are level 0, even when she
> wants to do a level 1.
> Example:
> ziyal        -ata2/homes 1 13306200 13306200   --   13:5615917.9
> 13:5715903.2
> This is supposedly a level 1 of this filesystem, but the filesystem's
> data size is:
> 13526260        /data2/homes
> So obviously Amanda isn't doing a level 1 here even though she thinks
> she is.
> The problem here is that every night my backups fail because there's
> always too much data to put on the backup medium, and Amanda can never
> seem to get a level 1. Note that this particular filesystem has been
> backed up seven times, the first time was a level 0 and each time
> after was a "level 1" but Amanda dumped the full 13gb partition each
> time.
> Help? Any ideas why Amanda can't seem to get level 1 calculations
> correct?
> Thanks!
> \marc
> --
> Marc N. Cannava

Kevin Dalley

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