I had some questions regarding tapecycle, and after reading the man
page and the doc (old and new), I think that they fall short on
describing what tapecycle should be set to.  The minimum value of
tapecycle is well covered, but not the maximum value, and how
tapecycle should relate to the number of tapes that have been

>From the man page:
       tapecycle int
              Default: 15 tapes.  The  number  of  tapes  in  the
              active  tape  cycle.   This  must  be  at least one
              larger than the number of Amanda runs done during a
              dump  cycle (see the dumpcycle parameter) times the
              number of tapes used  per  run  (see  the  runtapes

              For  instance,  if dumpcycle is set to 14 days, one
              Amanda run is done every day (Sunday through Satur-
              day),  and  runtapes  is set to one, then tapecycle
              must be at least 15 (14 days * one  run/day  *  one
              tape/run + one tape).

              In practice, there should be several extra tapes to
              allow for schedule adjustments or  disaster  recov-

So what is an "active tape cycle"?  That is never defined anywhere.

Although the last sentence is correct and it makes sense, it does not
explain how tapecycle should relate to the actual number of labeled

Here is my bad attempt at an improvement, please do not use it verbatim:

  You must have at least tapecycle tapes labeled, but you can have
  more.  By labeling extra tapes, you can allow for schedule
  adjustments or disaster recovery.  For example, lets say that your
  tapecycle is set to 20 and you have 20 labeled tapes.  If you
  discover that tape #5 that you are about to put in the drive is bad,
  your only alternative is to immediately label a new replacement
  tape.  If tapecycle was 20 and you had 25 labeled tapes, then you
  could put tape #6 in the drive and deal with the problem later.

  On the other hand, if the number of labeled tapes greatly exceeds
  tapecycle, then AMANDA (insert inefficiency issue here).

Tom Schutter (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Platte River Associates, Inc. (http://www.platte.com)

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