[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce S. Skinner) writes:

> Hello Don,
> > Bruce:
> > 
> > I don't want you to feel like we are all jumping on you, but...
> > 
> > First:
> > 
> > I noticed that you have used localhost ( as the address 
> > for your network connections, and as the archives will illustrate 
> > in incredible detail, we generally consider that a Bad Idea (Tm).
> This appears to have been the problem.
> > Second:
> > 
> > Removing the holding disk from the picture actually makes the picture
> > more murky, not less.  If you have a holding disk, then the backup 
> > of the data happens in two parts, separating the dumper process of
> > getting the data off of the disk to be backed up and onto the holding
> > disk, and then the taper process moves the backed up data from
> > the holding disk to the tape drive.  Combining the two obscures 
> > where the actual problem is:  in the dumper or in the taper.
> > My natural instinct is to look at the tape drive and the taper
> > portion of the process, since that is a more mechanically driven 
> > process and past history (mine) indicates that most of the errors
> > that I have encountered have been there.
> > 
> > Repeat the experiment, correcting these two issues and I think the
> > picture will get a little clearer.
> Repeated successfully.  Reconfigured for the real world, (added more
> DLE's, bigger tapecycle, bigger runtapes, etc.) and it appears to be
> functioning.  One dump has been moved to tape and another is building
> on the holding disk.  Tomorrow we'll see how it turned out.


Many thanks to all the folks who contributed to that success.

regards :-)


Bruce S. Skinner
Defence R&D Canada - Atlantic
9 Grove St.              <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
P.O. Box 1012            <http://www.drdc-rddc.dnd.ca>
Dartmouth  NS
CANADA                    tel: (902) 426-3100 x205
B2Y 3Z7                   fax: (902) 426-9654

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