On Fri, 2005-04-01 at 02:06 -0500, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 08:46:31AM +0200, Belen Isla wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I am trying to configure amanda to backup my system and I would like to use 
> > two different types of virtual tapes in a single configuration file, I 
> > mean, I would like to use big virtual tapes for full backups and smaller 
> > ones for incrementals. Is it possible to use the parameter tapetype twice 
> > in the amanda.conf file? In affirmative case, how can I associate a virtual 
> > tape with the appropriate type?
> > 
> Just for my own interest ...
> Why do you want to do your own scheduling when amanda
> often does a far superior job to human defined scheduling.

Hm. I would like to challenge this statement. It may be true if you have
a large network of systems to back up but if you only have one system I
doubt if it's true. Before my switch to Linux I backed up my system
(OS/2) on a weekly schedule with one full back-up and four incremental
back-ups to one tape only. It worked extremely well, if I crashed my
system - which I did very often - it took me about half an hour to
recover either using a stand-alone recover program or my maintenance
OS/2 if it was alive and I kept an archive of up to 8 weeks of back-ups.
Now with Linux and Amanda I use 9 tapes mainly because Amanda won't add
today's back-up to yesterday's tape. I could probably do with less tapes
but I feel more confident with a large tape pool. 

I would add that I haven't yet found out how to keep a repository of
back-ups of the previous weeks like I was used to with OS/2. I like the
safe feeling of having a set of back-up tapes from which I know I can
recreate the system as it was on a specific day. Now I just have my 9
tapes used in a round Robin fashion.
Erik P. Olsen

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