Vicki Stanfield wrote:
I discovered that some things on a remote machine were not being backed up. Some things on that same machine were but not everything that should be.

that stuff that wasn't backed up, was there an entry (DLE) of it in the disklist of your current config ?

I tried to add the lines to the disklist by copying the ones that were there and editing them. I then ran amcheck and got this:

NOTE: info dir /var/lib/amanda/Progeny01/curinfo/pollux/_net_pollux_project_new-ps-archive_50: does not exist
NOTE: index dir /var/lib/amanda/Progeny01/index/pollux/_net_pollux_project_new-ps-archive_50: does not exist
NOTE: info dir /var/lib/amanda/Progeny01/curinfo/pollux/_net_pollux_project_new-ps-archive_49: does not exist
NOTE: index dir /var/lib/amanda/Progeny01/index/pollux/_net_pollux_project_new-ps-archive_49: does not exist

i read "NOTE:" in front of those lines. nothing to wonder about, those dirs will be created on the next amanda amdump run. "FATAL", "ERROR" or the like would be much more bad

I obviously have another knowledge gap when it comes to how amanda works. I expected that it would go to the system in question with ssh and tar across the necessary stuff. Evidently I am wrong. Can someone give me a brief explanation of the process that amanda goes through to back up a remote system?

using tar dumptypes or (ufs)dump dumptypes, amanda connects to amandad of a client, runs gtar, dump/ufsdump locally and streams output of the client to your amanda server host. for Windows shares, amanda uses smbclient, which can run on your amanda server or another amanda client which connects to the Windows share and puts it onto your amanda server.

For the record, the lines I added to disklist look like this:

pollux          /net/pollux/project/new-ps-archive/49   med-tar
pollux          /net/pollux/project/new-ps-archive/50   med-tar

/net/pollux/project/new-ps-archive/49 is an existing directory on pollux as is 50.

is /net/pollux something like an automount path on your amanda server ? a better idea would be to install an amanda client on pollux, which speaks native amanda protocol to your amanda server.

What am I missing here?

amanda takes some time to understand. for me, it tooks around 6 weeks, and i still do not understand how amanda schedules fulls/incrementals. I DO know that amanda does a very good job here.


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