On Tuesday 12 April 2005 10:50, Salada, Duncan S. wrote:

>Actually, I'm not using a holding disk at all.  I had no idea that I
> could be shortening the life of the tape drive by not using one. 
> So, that's probably the source of my problem then?

I expect it is, Duncan.  One really should have a holding disk area 
that is capable of holding the 2 or 3 largest disklist entries, 
preferably lots more, and thats easy when todays commodity drive is a 
120GB or so drive.  I have about a 25GB area, free space on a 
partition and this, for the dle's I have constructed, is only used to 
maybe the 22GB free at its peak use.  But then I've tried to follow 
my own advice in that most of my disklist entries (nearly 50 of them) 
are all fairly smallish, giving amanda as much help in her balanceing 
action as possible.

The idea behind the holding disk (which really shouldn't be on the 
same controller as the disk drive because of bus contention issues) 
is that if the drive is waiting on data and stops, it will not 
restart until the next file to be written is wholely in the holding 
disk, at which point the copy can then take place at the drives 
natural speed.

By carefull choice of the priority string in your amanda.conf, one can 
often hit a point where once the drive starts, it will run non-stop 
until the nightly run is done.  I try to put the biggest ones on the 
front of the tape, and by the time the first one is cached and 
written, many of the rest are waiting, so the drive never stops 
between files.

Shoe-shining the drive because its running out of data, making it 
stop, backup to the last good block written, & repeat at 2 (or less) 
second intervals, is very hard on both the drives mechanics and the 
heads, but is also making a one pass write into a many pass write, 
with a severe reduction in the life of the tape.

When you do setup the holding disk, be sure and add a line in your 
amanda.conf thats says something like 'reserved 30%', otherwise it 
can only be used in the event of a tape problem for incrementals, no 
fulls.  With it in there, then fulls can proceed as normal, piling up 
in the holding area until its down to 30% of its original capacity 
remaining.  It might give you an extra day or 2 to solve a tape drive 
problem in that event.


Cheers Duncan, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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