> Maybe the tar or dump process that is doing the actual recovery simply
> hasn't finished yet. It doesn't stop after having recovered the file you
> requested, it goes through the entire backup image in any case. With big
> backup images this may take some time.

Yes, I was hoping that was the case because I have been having this problem for
quite a few FULL test runs of my setup (we're backing up about 200GB plus worth
of data)! (Recovery is fine on the smaller sample test runs). But I do wait
until I get a "finished" report on all DLEs when I do an "amcheck"...in fact
(maybe this has something to do with it), sometimes although I get a "finished"
report on all DLEs using amcheck, the automatically mailed report would still
indicate errors of backing up some of the disk entries.

> Unfortunately I don't know what might be causing your main problem (some
> files missing from amrecover listing). If you describe your environment
> in more detail (are you using dump or tar? which version of tar? is
> samba involved? etc?) then someone else on the list may be able to help you.

I'm primarily backing up linux partitions (and windows partitions mounted in
linux -- so no samba) to a hard drive using tar, with compression, and
tpchanger as "chg-multi". I know there's the "chg-disk" file driver, but I
couldn't figure out how to get it to work when the backup virtual tapes are
located on two physically different hard drives (I've tried creating symbolic
links from slots on one drive to the other slots on the drive which "tapedev"
is set to in amanda.conf -- and just trying to change the virtual tape that
gets loaded during recovery....no luck).

The tar version is gnu tar...quite recent one from the Debian sarge
servers(sorry I don't have access to the machine for the next week to check the


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