Ladies & gentelmen,

I have amanda running on 99% of the systems I wish to backup. It is configured and running just fine. I could move on to something else, EXCEPT I need to add security. Any security, I need Authentication & Encryption, in just about any form. SSH, SSL, something with keys or some other not-easily-guessable or spoofed method to move the data only to the host (client or server) I define.

Now I am sure that this isn't rocket surgery, just some stuff to setup and configure, and maybe some compile time options. I have SSH on every machine, I have some scripts that already do the ssh key exchange to make connections without human intervention. We have web servers that do SSL. Nowhere can I find any examples on how to implement either of these systems in amanda.

SSH would be the prefered tool, because everyone here understands how it works and is comfortable with the security it provides (the comfort factor is probably the biggest concern).

So would someone please help me put this project to bed by giving me the examples, documentation, or pointers to the documentation, or any information that I need. feel free to flame if necessary. I would be happy if a simple RTFM with a pointer to the proper FM, if that is all that is necessary.

I have searched thru every message in the archives, I have grepped thru all of the source code for a reference to SSH (including the documentation). I still have not found the required information.

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