On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 09:06:47AM -0400, Guy Dallaire enlightened us:
> I received great suggestions from people on this list. Thanks to all.
> One of those suggestion involved using 3 or 4 "sets" of tapes to be
> able to keep a copy of the backup "off site"
> For example, if I use 5 tapes per week and my dumpcylce is one week, I
> could keep a set locally to do my backups on, another in a file
> cabinet, another at a remote site.
> I will probably have more than 4 "sets" of tapes. 
> My question is:
> If I use indexing, is it easy to be able to recover a specific
> "version" of a faile ? Say, file "xyz" has been modified often and
> exists on 5 different tapes, all at different dates, and I need to
> restore files from a particular date (not the latest), is there an
> utility in amanda that can show me all the "versions" of the file so I
> can restore exactly the one I want ?

Yes, by using the amrecover command. This gives you an FTP-like interface to
your index files and allows for the commands:


To specify exactly the files you want :-)

> Also, is there a way in amanda to "erase" a tape, and remove it from
> amanda's database inventory and amanda's index ? If, for example, I
> have introduced a lot of new tapes in the rotation, and I need to
> reduce it, can I do it ?


> Is there a way to determine which tape is "out of date" and can be
> safely "removed" from the rotation ?

Well, you can run "amadmin CONFIG find" on a single DLE to get an idea. You
can also look in the tapelist file for the config which has a list of all
the tapes and the date the tape was last written to. 


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263

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