On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 09:47:29PM +0200, Paul Bijnens wrote:
> Eric Dantan Rzewnicki wrote:
> >Is it normal for some dumps to go directly to tape, skipping the holding
> >disk?
> >
> >I see that happening sometimes, but wonder if it means I have something
> >misconfigured.
> Those DLE's with an estimated size larger than the configured value
> for holdingdisk will bypass holdingdisk an dump directly to tape.

Also, there's a bug in current versions of gnu tar that cause it to
produce extremely large estimates if the filesystem contains sparse
files.  On Fedora Core x86_64 machines, attempting to back up /var can
be a challenge because tar thinks /var/log/lastlog is a terabyte or
two in size and produces estimates that are somewhat larger than my
50G tape.  See the commentery in

The usual symptom of this bug is Amanda refusing to dump the DLE at
all, but I can imagine it forcing a dump to go direct-to-tape instead
of to the holding disk under some circumstances.

> I noticed that the example amanda.conf file has specified "use 290 m"
> for the holdingdisk section.
> Many people seem to forget to adapt that arbitrary number there.

Maybe we should change it to "use 1t"?  That'll get people to notice
it, won't it? :-)

                        -- JF

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